About Us

Our purpose is to provide benefits for people with learning disabilities. We do this in two ways:

- We offer grants to UK registered or exempt charities and community interest groups which provide support to people with a learning disability.

- We offer support to relatives by accepting their gifts or legacies accompanied by Letters of Wishes.


The Forbes Charitable Foundation

Our current emphasis is to make grants for those people who have mild to moderate needs.
Grants can be used for capital and revenue purposes either as a one off grant or for up to three years consecutive funding which is reviewed each year.

Since its formation the charity has distributed approximately ​£4 million.

Support for relatives

The Forbes Charitable Foundation

Many relatives are keen to see that the needs of their loved one are provided for in the future without having to protect their financial support with complex trust arrangements. Leaving or gifting money together with a "Letter of Wishes" to the Forbes Charitable Foundation offers a simple means of ensuring that their financial support can always follow their relative, no matter which organisation is providing the care and support.

It is our policy therefore to accept gifts or legacies in this manner. Whilst the Trustees cannot formally accept any conditions attached to these donations and they have no legal binding on them whatsoever, they can take into account these wishes when distributing funds.